Congress Information

Welcome Message

Dear Members of the Taiwan Society of Cardiology (TSOC),

On behalf of the Society, I would like to welcome you to join us during COVID-19 Pandemic, of this virtual/on-site hybrid congress sessions in the year 2021.

Due to Policy of Fall-Winter COVID-19 Prevention Program released by Taiwan Center for Disease Control - Ministry of Health and Welfare, venues with high risk of infection and transmission still include educational facilities such as science education sites or centers, and Guidelines for Social Distancing shall be followed. The Annual Scientific Sessions 2021 of this Society has no exception to the rule, and indoor public gathering of more than 100 persons per room is highly suggested to be avoided. To abide by this policy and after thorough consideration, The Annual Scientific Sessions 2021 will follow the “isolation and triage” principle and separate our audience and speakers/moderators into cabinets in the form of cozy and comfortable hotel rooms using Grand Hyatt Taipei as our meeting site. I will appreciate your kind understanding and would like to thank the Society Secretariat as well as Grand Hyatt Taipei to make such a difficult task possible.

The main theme of this annual sessions is “Paradigm Shift to Borderless Cardiovascular Care”, to respond with cutting edge knowledge sharing during the difficult time of COVID-19.

Featured Program Sessions will include but not limited to: Joint Sessions with international and domestic societies like American College of Cardiology, European Society of Cardiology, Japanese Circulation Society, Korean Society of Cardiology, Taiwan Society of Cardiovascular Interventions, whole day joint session with Taiwan Hypertension Society of the recently released new hypertension guideline, and cross-discipline session with experts from Taiwan Society of Perinatology, focusing on difficult issues of pregnant women with cardiovascular complications, of which cardiologists are facing frequent consultations during their daily practice. We will have hot topics sessions of cardiovascular disease and metabolism in tight collaboration with The Diabetes Association of Republic of China and Taiwanese Association of Diabetes Educators. Two important plenary talks from well famous informatics scholars will be addressed, focusing on impact of artificial intelligence, big data mining and privacy protection in health care, in conjunction with Young Investigator Competition/Awardee session and Ting-Nong Awardee Lecture. Sessions of Pediatric Cardiology, Cardiac Surgery, Intervention, Prevention, Electrophysiology, Heart Failure, Pulmonary Hypertension, Critical Care Medicine, and Imaging shall be the sessions you shall not miss too during this two-day scientific feast.

Last but not the least, I would like to thank members of the Secretariat, Secretary General, all the organizing Committees, and Boards Directors and Supervisors of the Society, without your collective wisdom and perseverance, the 51th Annual Congress of the Society will not be possible.

Looking forward to continuing prosperity of Taiwan Society of Cardiology.


Charles Jia-Yin Hou, M.D., FACC, FESC, FAPSC.
President, Taiwan Society of Cardiology.